Seven Bridges

Текст песни Eagles - Seven Bridges

текст песни (слова) "Seven Bridges"

Seven Bridges
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.tab
Path: nevada.edu!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!ua1ix!ua1vm.ua.edu!TMCCART3
From: TMCCART3@ua1vm.ua.edu
Subject: Re: REQUEST: Eagles/seven bridges
Message-ID: <16883F44E.TMCCART3@ua1vm.ua.edu>
Sender: news@ua1ix.ua.edu
Nntp-Posting-Host: ua1vm.ua.edu
Organization: The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
References: <92288.131636CARLOSLI@auvm.american.edu> <1992Oct17.211028.10969@aber.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1992 22:22:16 GMT
Lines: 17

In article <1992Oct17.211028.10969@aber.ac.uk>
ans0@aber.ac.uk (Austin Newton Shackles) writes:

>Does anyone have a tab or chord sequence (pref. tab) for the Eagles' "Seven
>Bridges Road" ( you know, the one that starts "there are stars in the southern
I don't have the tab, but it's pretty simple. It's in , and the only other
chords are  and .
is something like this...
There are stars in the southern sky

And so on. Once the song starts going fast, play the  chord with an alter-
nating bass note --  first, and the hammering  to A on the  string.

My guess is that you'll have no trouble from there. Good luck ...
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