How I Met Your Mother Theme

Текст песни Misc Soundtrack - How I Met Your Mother Theme

How I Met Your Mother Theme
Misc Soundtrack
x    x       x     0       x      x      x     3       x
2    2       2     0       7      7      7     3       2
2    2       2     1       7      7      7     4       2
2    2       2     2       7      7      7     5       2
0    x       x     2       5      4      x     5       0
x    4       2     0       x      x      7     3       x

The special thing about this track is that the A and the  chord only change their lowest notes, 
so in order to play it right you should keep a bar on the 2nd/7th fret and move only your lowest note.
Pattern is either quarter notes strummed with a pick or fingerstyle picking eight notes, 
depending on what kind of a sound you want to geht.