The Young Ones

Текст песни Misc Television - The Young Ones

The Young Ones
Misc Television
Here's the chords and lyrics. The chords we're gently facilitated by Juha
Kivijarvi. The lyrics arte incomplete (two or three words). Corrections are

{t: The young ones}
{st: Cliff Richard and the Shadows}

{comment: Intro}
-- []-- []-- []--

The []young ones
darling we're the []young ones
and the []young ones
shouldn't be []afraid
to []live []love
while the ? is []?
cause we []may be very []young ones,
very []?

well, we don't live to[]morrow
and to[]morrow
sometimes never []comes
so []love []me
There's a song to be []sung
and the []best time is to []sing it
while we're []young [].

Once in every life time[]
comes a love like this[]
Oh, []I need you, you need me
Oh my darling []can you see

The []young dreams
should be dreamed []together
The young []hearts
shouldn't be []afraid
And []some[]day
when the years had []flown
darling then []we'll teach the []young ones
of our []own [].


| Evilio Jose del Rio Silvan  | Anywhere you choose,                       |
| delrio@cesr.cnes.fr         | Anyway,  you're gonna lose                 |
| pvb@mpe.mpe-garching.mpg.de |                         - Mike Oldfield    |
|                             |                           "Poison Arrows"  |