Victory In Jesus

Текст песни Misc Traditional - Victory In Jesus

Victory In Jesus
Misc Traditional
Victory in Jesus

I heard an old, old story,  How a  Saviour   came from Glo-ry,
How He gave His   life  on  Calvary      To  save  a  wretch like  me;
I   heard   about   His  groaning,  Of  His  precious blood's a- ton- ing,
Then I  re -pent -ed  of  my sins   And      won  the  vic  -  to  -  ry.

O vic  -  to  -  ry in Jesus,  My Saviour, for-ev-er, He sought me and  
bought me With  His redeeming blood;  He loved me ere I knew Him
 And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory,
Be-neath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing,  Of His cleasnsing pow'r re-veal-ing,
How He made the   lame  to walk again    And caused the blind to see;
And then  I cried, "Dear Jesus,     Come and heal my bro - ken   spi- rit,"
And  some how Jesus   came and brought    To me   the  vic  -  to  -  ry.

O vic  -  to  -  ry in Jesus,  My Saviour, for-ev-er, He sought me and  
bought me With  His redeeming blood;  He loved me ere I knew Him
 And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory,
Be-neath the cleansing flood.

I heard about a mansion     he has built for me    in Glo-ry,
And I heard about the   streets of gold  Be - yond the crys-tal    sea;
-bout the an- gels sing - ing,     And  the old  re-demp-tion   sto- ry,
And  some sweet day   I'll sing up there The song of   vic  -  to  -  ry.

O vic  -  to  -  ry in Jesus,  My Saviour, for-ev-er, He sought me and  
bought me With  His redeeming blood;  He loved me ere I knew Him
 And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory,
Be-neath the cleansing flood.