Mark Bradford - This Is The Cry Of My Heart

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Mark Bradford - This Is The Cry Of My Heart

Mark Bradford - This Is The Cry Of My Heart
Misc Unsigned Bands
ARTIST: MARK BRADFORD (https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mark-bradford/id268049641)
COPYRIGHT: © 2000 Daybreak Music/Elevation
CHORDS BY: rycly_

Jesus, my Lord and my Saviour 
You've opened my eyes to see
The depth of the love that You showed when 
You died on the cross for me
You gave Your life, a sacrifice
To save me from my sin
What can I do to honour You 
But give You my everything

This is the cry of my heart now, Jesus
To live in surrender to You
Lord, at Your name I gladly bow the knee
And this is the way I long to walk in
To follow wherever You lead
O Jesus, You are everything to me

You've called me to take up my cross now
Denying myself every day
I'm throwing off all that would hinder me 
From running for You in this race
So take my life, a sacrifice 
That's pleasing to You, Lord 
I set apart for You this heart 
And all that I have is Yours

O Jesus you are everything to me
O Jesus you are everything to me
O Jesus you are everything to me